The Ministry of Culture awards two prizes for the Arabic Novel each year:

- The Arabic Novel Award of the Ministry of Culture (the best novel of the year)
- The First Arabic Novel Award of the Ministry of Culture  (new writer)

Rules and terms of the Arabic Novel Award of the Ministry of Culture:
  • The award is given to the best novel published in Arabic in its first edition during the year before the year of the current session of the award.
  • The writer of the novel or the publisher -by the consent of the writer-may apply for this award
  • Manuscripts, new editions of an old novel, translations are not accepted.
  • The writer  who has already applied for the previous award sessions, or who has already won the award, can apply for the following sessions
  • The subject of the novel is left to the free choice of the writer.
  • The writer must be Lebanese.
  • The award carries a 15 million LBP cash prize.
Rules and terms of The First Arabic Novel Award of the Ministry of Culture
  • The prize is awarded to a young writer under the age of 30 (before the submission deadline)
  • The subject of the novel is left to the free choice of the writer.
  • The writer must not have previously published a novel.
  • The writer must submit his novel in person.
  • The novel manuscript must be printed and accompanied by the curriculum vitae of the writer, a photocopy of his identity or a  civil status record.
  • The novel must be entirely the original work of the writer. Any evidence to the contrary will result in immediate disqualification.
  • The writer must be Lebanese
  • The award carries a 5 million LBP cash prize. In addition, the winning novel will be published in 2000 copies.
  • The application form and the required documents must be submitted during the official working hours at the registry of the General directorate of cultural affairs
  • The deadline of submission is 31/12/2016