Organigram Of The Ministry
The Directorate General of Cultural Affairs is in charge of all kinds of plastic arts; arts, crafts and folk traditions; literature and intellectual yield; theater and performing arts; cinema; in addition to multi-technical arts including audio-visual art and mass media arts.

Tasks of the Directorate General of Cultural Affairs
  • Setting and implementing policies, plans, programs and activities pertaining to its fields of specialization.
  • Monitoring all cultural property not considered an antique, an archeological remain or a historical monument, making lists of its contents, managing its repositories, and proposing the necessary laws, frameworks and measures for preserving, acquiring, lending and consigning it.
  • Establishing facilities and buildings pertaining to its fields of specialization and supervising them, in addition to improving the state of the existing ones.
  • Organizing conferences, symposiums, seminars and meetings on different levels, and nominating the concerned people to participate in Arab and International meetings.
  • Sponsoring those who work in the various relevant sectors and honoring the innovators among them.
  • Encouraging those competent in its fields of specialization and promoting all opportunities allowing them to gain production and innovation efficiencies including setting and implementing special programs for preparing, qualifying, and training them.
  • Developing studies and research in the relevant fields and setting them for publication.
  • Encouraging exhibitions and festivals in its fields of specialization, sponsoring these events, and participating in their organization.
  • Organizing contests, awards, and incentives, giving grants in Lebanon, and nominating persons to benefit from grants abroad, all within its fields of specialization.
  • Cooperating with private and public administrations and institutions, municipalities, local agencies, NGOs, and individuals in order to realize its tasks.
  • Managing and investing the UNESCO Palace.

The Directorate General of Antiquities handles the tasks and powers vested in it by the legal provisions stipulated in the Antiquities Law and its amendments, and other legal and regulatory provisions related to archeological remains, antiques, and traditional and historical monuments.

Tasks of the Directorate General of Antiquities
  • Setting and implementing policies, plans, programs and activities pertaining to its fields of specialization.
  • Monitoring all cultural property considered as an antique, an archeological remain similar to an antique, or an archeological and traditional monument, searching for this property, excavating it, uncovering it, making lists of its contents, managing its repositories, and proposing laws, frameworks and measures pertaining to acquiring, possessing, preserving, and using it.
  • Organizing conferences, symposiums, seminars and meetings on different levels and in all concerned fields, and nominating the concerned people to participate in Arab and International meetings. 
  • Encouraging people of competence and promoting all opportunities allowing them to gain:1- the efficiencies necessary to undertake archeological excavation, study the archeological remains and objects resembling them, and document, categorize, maintain and restore these antiques in addition to taking measures to preserve them and use them for the public avail;2- similar efficiencies pertaining to archeological and historical monuments, including setting and implementing the necessary programs to prepare, qualify, and train them. 
  • Developing studies and research in the relevant fields and setting them for publication. 
  • Cooperating with private and public administrations and institutions, municipalities, local agencies, NGOs, and individuals.
Units of the Directorate General of Antiquities
  1. Directorate of Archaeological Monuments  and Built Heritage
  2. Directorate of Archaeological Excavations
  3. Directorate of Movable Archaeological Property
Directorate of Archaeological Monuments and Built Heritage

The Directorate of Archaeological Monuments and Built Heritage handles the following tasks
  • Surveying sites, monuments, landmarks, mansions, and buildings throughout the Lebanese territory on the surface of the ground in addition to those present inside the soil and within the territorial waters, be they standing, vanished, or scattered as long as they have archeological or historical characteristics and values on the architectural, geometrical, artistic, scientific and symbolic scales or as related to their prior use. And proposing listing them in the general antiquities inventory or registering them in one of the two cultural property lists: the recognized property or the categorized property, in addition to creating archeological, traditional or historical quarters and reserves for them.
  • Proposing draft laws, regulations, measures, standards, and characteristics pertaining to the protection of cultural property as well as proposing its appropriation and the appropriation of all adjacent property that constitutes a protective entourage for it. Proposing and implementing measures pertaining to the categorization of this property, its protection and preservation, and its use for the public interest. 
  • Documenting archaeological properties by all available means, publicizing them, and putting all relevant documents at the disposal of researchers and scientists. 
  • Setting up studies and research dealing with this property in all related scientific aspects, and preparing for their publication through the appropriate ways and methods. 
  • Looking after the cultural property, guarding, maintaining and restoring it, and proposing methods for using, habilitating, and investing it in addition to equipping it to welcome visitors.
  • Participating in the process of planning and setting up studies for projects developed by public and private administrations and institutions, related to organizing, expanding, restoring or embellishing cities and old towns, and in the process of supervising the implementation of these projects in order to contribute to the preservation of the archeological, traditional and historical heritage of these places.
  • Detecting violations made to archaeological sites, and historical and traditional monuments, and ordering the prosecution of the violators.
  • Establishing coordination, cooperation and exchange of expertise ties with concerned bodies such as public administrations and institutions, organizations, establishments, universities and scientific institutes, in Lebanon, the Arab world and internationally in addition to private establishments, associations, NGOs and individuals, in order to realize these tasks.
Directorate of Archaeological Excavation

The Directorate of Archaeological Excavations handles the following tasks
  • Searching for antiques and archeological remains, excavating them, and uncovering them, then referencing them in order to be listed in the general antiquities inventory or registered in one of the two cultural property lists: the recognized property or the categorized property, and finally turning them over to the concerned directorate. 
  • Looking after archeological excavations in terms of managing, guarding, habilitating, maintaining and preserving them.
  • Organizing search and excavation operations, programming them on both the scientific and practical levels, looking into authorization requests presented by local and foreign parties desiring to undertake such operations, proposing granting these authorizations or refusing them, and monitoring all fieldwork and investigation carried out on land and in sea.
  • Carrying out research regarding the archaeological excavations, studying these on every scientific aspect, setting up studies and research pertaining to them, and preparing for their publication in the appropriate way.
  • Participating in setting all plans, studies and operations pertaining to the execution of major construction projects, public facilities, infrastructure, agricultural reclamation works, quarries and similar works as well as having an opinion in their regard and overseeing their execution in order to preserve the archaeological structures and remains.
  • Examining sites of future construction projects within areas and quarters categorized as archaeological, traditional or historical, and having a say in the granting of permits authorizing building on these sites. 
  • Taking control over excavations, of any kind, where archaeological remains are uncovered in order to carry out all relevant search and excavation works and take the appropriate legal and administrative measures.
  • Establishing coordination, cooperation and exchange of expertise ties with public administrations and institutions, organizations, establishments, universities and scientific institutes, in Lebanon, the Arab world and internationally in addition to private establishments, associations, NGOs and individuals in order to realize these tasks.
Directorate of Movable Archaeological Property

The Directorate of Movable Archaeological Property handles the following tasks
  • Inventorying and documenting movable antiques and movable objects similar to antiques present on the Lebanese territory and within its territorial waters in addition to those produced in Lebanon and found on the surface of the ground, inside the soil or within the territorial waters regardless of how and when they were discovered, and those inside the country or outside it whether in repositories controlled by the Directorate General of Antiquities or in the possession of public administrations and institutions, private entails and establishments, or individuals such as antiques traders and amateurs. And proposing listing them in the general antiquities inventory or registering them in one of the two cultural property lists: the recognized property or the categorized property in addition to holding records pertaining to the matter.
  • Proposing draft laws, regulations, measures, standards, and characteristics pertaining to the preservation of antiques and archaeological property as well as proposing their possession or purchase. Proposing measures pertaining to the categorization of these items in addition to measures that ensure their protection, preservation and use for the public interest, and implementing these measures.
  • Documenting archaeological properties by all available means, publicizing them, and putting all relevant documents at the disposal of researchers and scientists.
  • Setting up studies and research dealing with these properties in all related scientific aspects, and preparing for their publication through the appropriate ways and methods.
  • Looking after the archaeological properties; guarding, categorizing, maintaining, repairing and storing them, proposing methods to use, lend, consign, and habilitate them and prepare them to go on display, and carrying out all tasks required to achieve this.
  • Monitoring the trading of antiques and their transport, and having a say in all authorization requests pertaining to the matter.
  • Having a say with regards to requests presented for building museums for antiques and heritage.
  • Establishing coordination, cooperation and exchange of expertise ties with concerned bodies such as public administrations and institutions, organizations, establishments, universities and scientific institutes, in Lebanon, the Arab world and internationally in addition to private establishments, associations, NGOs and individuals, in order to realize these tasks.
  • Cooperating with museums' administrations in order to benefit to the fullest from the Directorate's collection in accredited archaeological museums.
The Joint Administrative Service is directly related to the Minister and performs homogenous administrative tasks common to different bodies within the Ministry as well as other common tasks determined by a decree from the Minister himself.